Please Note: To insure we can fulfill your requirements, we are not accepting online orders at this time. Instead, please call the store directly and speak with one of our associates. They will be happy to take your order while ensuring that we have the products to fulfill your needs.
Busy day? Let our Deli help. We offer a variety of hot entrees & soups cooked daily.
In addition to everyday favorites such as mac & cheese and shepard’s pie, check out our weekly menu. Our soups are all-natural and fresh – no preservatives, MSG, or artificial colors or flavors. Some soups meet dietary profiles as noted: Dairy Free (df), Gluten Free (gf), Lowfat (lf) or Vegetarian (V). Call 508-672-1918 to reserve your meal. And warm up with hot soup – whether it’s a cup for one or for the whole office!
Prepared Foods: